Wednesday, October 31, 2018

第三課 去超級市場買東西 功課 H。W. for 11/2-4

1.在寫字本上把下面的字詞寫兩遍 Re-write twice of the below phrase/word, on your writing book 2.用下面的13個詞各造一個句.Write a sentence using the 13 phrase/word, one sentence for each phrase/word

萬聖節快樂!Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Lesson 2 H.W. for 10/26--28

Refer to the textbook Lesson 2, using conversation style to introduce your& your classmate-- 

  1. family members
  2. parents' jobs,
  3. your future dream jobs.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 4, 2018

H.W. for weekend 10/4--6/2018 功課: Write a short essay introducing yourself 自我介紹

Refer to textbook pg 22 and below pattern, write a short essay introducing yourself, on pg 24 the blank page.
Must use these just learned phrases/words--
紹, 現在, 最,比較
紹, 現在, 最,比較

二. For the students who don't come to class everyday, or if you have only partially done H.W. please complete the textbook till pg 23,  and workbook till pg16. 
 We will start to learn Lesson 2 next week

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

H.W. 10/3/2018 功課

用“ 比較” 造两句子:
Make two sentences based on the sample given: